Callum Mcneice (in blue) of the Cochrane Cowboys Wrestling team. Photo: Jen McKeage

Two members of the Cochrane Cowboys Wrestling team went to the Canada Games trials last weekend, where one qualified for the big event in August in Sherbrooke, Quebec, while the other will be an alternate.

Coach Vern McNeice says it's just the second time that Cochrane has sent one its own to the Canada Games, which only happens once every two years.

The stalwart Katie Mae Stockton of St. Timothy's High School, at 60 kilograms, achieved the alternate position, as McNeice explains.


Cochrane Cowboys' Katie Mae Stockley (dark hair) will be an alternate at Canada Games. Photo: Jen McKeage

Callum McNeice qualified for the Games.

The coach says to prepare, the two will attend a Saskatchewan training camp in May, then travel to Montana for a week before an excursion to Las Vegas for another camp and tournament.

He adds, being part of the Canada Games is a huge milestone in the career of any local athlete.
