Bridge mural in Cochrane's Riverfront Park. Photo: Marty Lawrence

April 22, Cochrane council was provided with an update on the proposed enhancements planned for Riverfront Park.

The mission is to create a connected, complete community using a balance of environmental, economic and social components.

The goal in developing the park to this point has been to create an "iconic destination", and to nurture a sense of place while fostering community ownership.

Recognizing that a sensitive environment is involved, there are cultural implications to any enhancements being considered.

A balance has to be struck between the user experience and preserving the fragile natural setting.

As well, the notion of reversibility was mentioned when it comes to any development, should modifications be needed to prevent access to certain areas in the park.

Finally, the mandate is to allow the natural environment to dictate the materials used for the enhancements made.

The design for the proposed improvements will centre around planning for both passive and active use of the area, with a focus on having multi-purpose spaces.

If the design plan wins council's approval, construction is anticipated to start in late August on Phase 1 pathways, for a potential completion in the fall.

Phase 2 will begin in early spring and run to late fall of 2014, with Phase 3 to be determined.

Council accepted the update for information.

The Town's Suzanne Gaida says now that council has heard the proposal, the plan will be presented to residents for their comments.
