At today's City of Airdrie council meeting, a name was selected for the new Airdrie Multi-use Facility and Library.

After a number of workshops and online engagement and discussion today, the council has decided to name the facility and library "Inspire".

There's just one more step, a special council meeting will be held in a few weeks to decide if another word should be added to "Inspire" like "Place" or "Centre".

At the meeting, three names were presented to the council for them to consider, "Discovery Place", "Discovery Centre" and "GLOW" (growth, learning, opportunity, wonder). But after much discussion council voted on "Inspire" which was also a top choice.

If the council had not come to a consensus on the chosen name for the building today, the alternatives, according to city documents would have been:

  1. Hold another workshop with the Council. This will delay the branding and wayfinding signage portions of the project.
  2. The council could choose to wait for public input on the name. This would be rolled out over July and August and the name would then be chosen by Council in September. This option will most certainly delay the opening of the facility.

Also, according to the city documents, if there had been a delay in choosing the name and external signage, it would have had an impact on the construction schedule which could have cost approximately  $50,000.

Some council members shared their disappointment in how long the naming process took, while others wished the top names could have been provided to the public for their input, but due to time restraints, they ultimately made the decision today.

The goal is to have the multi-use facility fully enclosed during the winter months so construction on the inside will be able to move forward. 

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