Could the Stampeders be moving forward without Quarterback Henry Burris? Reports late Wednesday suggest that last year's back up turned starter Drew Tate had signed a 3 year extension with the Stampeders.

It's been widely speculated that Burris has played his last game with the club, and this news could be the nail in the former CFL's Most Outstanding Player's coffin.

It's one of two moves that could be seen as writing on the wall for two of the Stamp's core over the past two seasons. Along with Burris, it's expected that the club will be moving forward without Running Back Joffrey Reynolds, with the stellar play from Canadian John Cornish, who also signed an extension with the club on December 13th.

No official statement has been released by the Stampeders at this time, but it's expected that we should hear by the end of the week.