The Village of Beiseker passed a bylaw earlier this week that will prohibit individuals from displaying, offering, or selling fireworks within the village come September 1. 

In a social media post, it was explained that 'for the protection of citizens, property, and the environment from potential danger and disruption from improper and/or unsafe use, Bylaw 2024-04 prohibits fireworks and pyrotechnics from being ignited or fired except by a trained and certified professional with a Fireworks Permit.'

"This includes consumer fireworks that have been purchased or ordered outside of Beiseker. The sale of fireworks in the Village of Beiseker will be prohibited as of September 1, 2024, to allow local businesses to deplete or sell off current inventory."

It was noted that certified professionals can obtain Fire permit applications at the Village office. 

"Use of fireworks or pyrotechnics without a permit violates the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition) or Village of Beiseker bylaws and may result in fines or prosecution. We appreciate our community’s participation in helping to keep our Village safe."

Breaking any part of the bylaw can result in monetary fines. The fines range between $500 to $1,500.

What are Airdrie's fireworks bylaws?

According to The City of Airdrie's website, consumer Fireworks/low-hazard recreational fireworks (class 7.2.1/F.1) are not allowed within the corporate city limits, as per the City of Airdrie, Emergency Services Bylaw.

"Possession, sale, or storage of consumer fireworks is prohibited. Display fireworks/high-hazard recreational fireworks (class 7.2.2/F.2) are allowed with a permit. A fireworks permit is required any time there is a planned open-air fireworks display."

However, The City notes that only those people who are, 'authorized and have training provided by the Explosive Regulatory Division(ERD) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)– Fireworks operator certificate (Display assistant, display supervisor and display supervisor with endorsements)' can put on a fireworks display in Airdrie.

A City of Airdrie Fireworks permit is also needed, with The City underlining that a Fire department safety codes officer is required to inspect the site and review fire safety plans before blasting.

"When in doubt, contact the Airdrie Fire Department to see if what you’re planning to blast is allowed per the City bylaw. Failure to do so could result in a fine of up to $2,500."

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