Rocky View County (RVC) is asking for public input as the county plans on updating its Agriculture Master Plan.

According to RVC, the Agriculture Master Plan is a strategic guiding document that outlines the long-term vision and policy framework for agriculture and land use planning for our agricultural community. It supports and promotes the agricultural industry by addressing key issues such as land use policy, economic development, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability.

To produce a new Agriculture Master Plan, the county is working with local communities, agribusinesses, and farmers. They are inviting residents to participate in this effort to make sure the plan fits the requirements of their farming community.

Kristyn Lines the Manager of Agricultural and Environmental Service talked about how they are currently in phase one.

"We want to get initial feedback on what they think the goals of the plan should look like and touch base on some of the policy pieces that are currently implemented at the county."

Lines stated all information from phase one of the engagement will be used to inform the draft document of the plan. Once phase one is complete, phase two, in November will be about sharing a draft master plan will be shared with engagement participants and the public for additional comments and review.

In January 2025, a "What We Heard" report will be shared to summarize and communicate all feedback gathered throughout the engagement process.

"Ultimately we will hopefully have an approved master plan in March of 2025. We are really looking to set the stage for what the next 10 years look like."

Recently, RVC sent out a letter to all residents that had 80 acres of land to ask for their input and over 2000 residents received those letters.

"I think that's just a testament to how active the agriculture community still is within Rocky View County."

Lines finished off by asking residents to please participate in the engagement with whatever fashion works best. RVC is hosting a public open house on July 4 at 6 p.m. located at the county hall. RVC is also doing one-on-one phone calls for those who would rather talk over the phone.

To view the current Agriculture Master Plan, click HERE. To participate in the survey, click HERE.

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