Calgary Cavalry FC welcomes Airdrie FC and District Soccer Association to the 2022 Club Program.  

Calgary`s professional soccer club, Cavalry FC, competes at the top of the Canadian Soccer League System in the Canadian Premier League. Their home matches are played at ATCO Field on the grounds of Spruce Meadows in Foothills County.   

The 2022 Club Program with the Cavalry FC is brand new for the Airdrie FC and District Soccer Association.   

Melissa Collinson is the Executive Director for the Airdrie District Soccer Association and says the Cavalry FC put on this program and will be accepting 14 soccer clubs from Calgary and its surrounding areas. Airdrie was one of the first clubs to sign up with the Cavalry FC for this program and was granted the 2022 Club Program Membership.  

“What the program gives us, is 10 season tickets for us to be able to use as we see fit. We're going to do some fun stuff where we do some raffles with them, maybe some member appreciation days.”  

Collinson says the membership also includes a few club visits from the Calgary Cavalry FC.    

“That means we get to set up a couple of times where some of the Cavalry FC players actually come out to Airdrie.”  

Collinson says the Airdrie District Soccer Association hasn't decided yet what they're going to do with the club visits. They are discussing using the club for coach education sessions, where players from Cavalry FC come out and help coach sessions.   

However, the possibility of the Cavalry FC being at the Airdrie District Soccer Association's Summit Cup Tournament happening in June is also being discussed.   

“These club visits are tailor-made. We get to work with Cavalry FC to decide how we want to use that time and their players with us with our entire membership.”  

The membership that Airdrie FC and District Soccer Association has also gives the ability for Club Hosting. Club Hosting is when one of the teams or the coaches goes out and observes one of the pre-game practices at ATCO field.   

According to Collinson, one of the most exciting parts of Airdrie FC and District Soccer Association being welcomed into the 2022 Club Program by the Calgary Cavalry FC is a fundraiser that comes with it.   

“If someone who is buying a game ticket uses the Airdrie District Soccer Association QR code, any tickets purchased through that the Calgary Calvary FC will donate $5 back to our club.”  

Calgary Cavalry FC fundraiser poster

The money that is donated to Airdrie FC and Airdrie District Soccer Association though those ticket sales will be put into programming for the club.  

“Lastly,” continues Collinson, “The club membership includes match day experience. That'll be the big one, our matchday is in September.”  

The Program Membership will allow Airdrie FC and Airdrie District Soccer Association to send a couple of coaches, or a couple of technical staff, to be pitchside at one of the games. This will be a side-by-side experience with the Calgary Cavalry FC coaches, allowing the coaches from Airdrie FC and Airdrie District Soccer Association to observe and see what the coaches from Cavalry FC are doing to encourage and teach their players as the game is going on.   

Collinson says they will be allowed to send one team to help with the game, either by grabbing the out-of-bounds balls, scanning tickets, or greeting people as they come. The team that is chosen to go will also be included in the minigame that takes place during halftime.   

“Similar to when you see the Timbits in the NHL hockey games between the periods. There will be some games with some of our younger kids right on the pitch during halftime for a 10-minute mini-game.”  

This is the first program of its kind for the Calgary Cavalry FC. The club will choose a team season by season to participate in minigames. There will be a possibility for other teams in Calgary and the surrounding area to get an opportunity like this one. 

Collinson says the Calgary Cavalry FC is trying to build connections within the communities around the club. Cavalry FC is trying to show kids in Calgary and the surrounding area that there is a pathway to a more competitive, higher level of soccer.