The artists have been selected to bring "Inspire" (the Airdrie Multi-use Facility and Library) to life with art.

On July 2, the Council approved the recommendations of two artist teams to create two works of public art that will be installed at the new Airdrie Multi-Use and Library Facility.

According to the city, the exterior installation by artists Adrian Stimson and Pierre Poussin, called “From Earth to Sky,” is a concept that honours the rich Indigenous history of the territory, where tipis once stood as symbols of identity for various bands and tribes.

The interior installation by artists Caitlind r. c. Brown and Wayne Garrett, titled "Landscapes of the Imagination," features acrylic bubbles arranged in an intricate chandelier format. Installed in the Atrium, these bubbles encapsulate Airdrie’s landscape, creatively reflecting the favourite stories of library users.

“We are excited to get the production of these art pieces rolling. We went from 96 applicants to four shortlisted artist teams, and then down to two proposals being selected. The public art will contribute to the character of the city by enhancing the quality of public spaces at AMULF,” said Claudia Usuga-Benitez, Project Coordinator for the City’s Community Facilities. “The art pieces are scheduled to be completed by summer next year,” she added.

For this project, the Public Art Selection Committee discussed the proposals from four artist teams. After a public engagement, the committee received comments on these suggestions, which they discussed and ultimately decided to choose between these two proposals from distinct artist teams.

Also on July 2, the name for the facility was selected, it will be called "Inspire". 

There's just one more step, a special council meeting will be held in a few weeks to decide if another word should be added to "Inspire" like "Place" or "Centre".

The goal is to have the multi-use facility fully enclosed during the winter months so construction on the inside will be able to move forward. 

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