The 12-day journey of "Mike's March for Mental Health" has officially come to an end as Mike Loughman and his team have made their way back to Airdrie from Edmonton.

The point of "Mike's March for Mental Health" was to help raise funds for the Sober Friends Society and the Mood Disorder Society of Canada while also raising awareness for Mental Health.

Of course, Mike had plenty of company with him along his trip,  Brodie Bennett-Aru walked all the way from Edmonton to Crossfield with Loughman, while Elle Geary was their driver to help make sure they were travelling safely. They had multiple people walk with them for smaller doses of the trip, which included Airdrie councilwoman Tina Petrow who walked from Crossfield to Airdrie.

We were able to talk with Loughman as soon as he made it back to Airdrie, here is the full interview.

If you would like to watch the interview on TikTok, click HERE.

On the journey, Loughman and Bennett-Aru wore a 5-pound ball and chain which is a representation of the weight of mental illness that many carry every day.

Loughman had a goal of raising $10,000 for the Sober Friends Society and the Mood Disorder Society of Canada. He beat his goal by raising close to $10,300. If you would still like to donate, click HERE.

While Loughman stated he won't be doing another walk like this, he does hope to hold a much shorter, annual walk to keep raising awareness for mental health.

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