(Photo: Discover Airdrie News Centre)

Take care, be cautious, and report any suspicious activity or tampered with shopping carts immediately.

A message from Airdrie RCMP after a razor blade was found taped to the side of a shopping cart at Cross Iron Mills Mall.

Constable Jason Curtis says an employee found the blade and alerted authorities.

"It wasn't on the handle it was taped to the right side of the cart closer to where you know where there is that part where you would put a child or most people would put their handbag."

He says the placement of the blade could have resulted in injury easily if you were not aware it was there.

Cross Iron Mills Security checked all carts in the mall and have found no further razor blades.

Where and when the blade was taped on is unconfirmed.

"It was taped on there, it wasn't put there by accident. Now, I've been told there is a potential it may have been a contractor using the cart for their tools- at the same time there is also the potential there is a really mean person out there."

Constable Curtis says it is the first time they have responded to this kind of call and would just like the public to be aware.