Smoke from wildfires in B.C. and Saskatchewan continue to blanket Airdrie and surrounding areas.

According to Environment Canada, the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) reached as high as 10 on Sunday night, which was very high risk.

Monday is forecasted to reach 9 which remains in that high-risk category.

The smoke can lead to many issues for those with respiratory illnesses, as well as young children and the elderly.

You're asked to monitor for any symptoms including throat irritation coughing and difficulty breathing. You should also consider limiting you outdoor activities as a result of the poor air quality.

Dozens of wildfires burning in B.C. and Saskatchewan have led to the influx of smoke and it doesn't appear to be letting up soon. The AQHI is forecasted to dip slightly to moderate risk by Tuesday morning before jumping back up to the high-risk category later in the day and into Wednesday.

Right now there is no word on when the smoke will clear as wildfires continue to burn.

The website Fire Smoke has been keeping track of the smoke levels across North America and provides hourly outlooks into where it might be heading.

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