While the rain clouds covered the sky Wednesday night, it wasn't the wet stuff that canceled the Carstairs Flag Football program.

The sport, designed to accommodate boys and girls, ages 5-13, was to start the night of June 13, but was called due to a scheduling conflict, according to co-ordinator Dagan Doraty.

"We canceled it because we ran out of coaches," according to Doraty. "I coach soccer and lacrosse myself, and then Kevin Bulloch who is running it with me coaches the football team. There was just a mistake made. I thought his football ended last weekend, it actually ends this weekend."

The missed week will be added to the end of the season. There's no real schedule of teams vs teams, but more of the drop in variety. Each night costs $5 per person at the Carstairs Arena. If the weather gets bad, they just move inside where there's a astro-turf like field put down.

Registration is ongoing to add to the almost 20 current players. If they get enough players they'll go from all players playing together to setting games up with younger kids playing their age range, and older kids playing other older kids.

For more information, check out their flyer on the Town's website.