The Cochrane Crush East can officially say they made it through the regular season and playoffs undefeated.

The team beat the Northwest Bluejays 18-11 at home on June 23, earning them the title of District 3 Champions.

Elliot Searle, Cochrane Crush East Coach, said the game was the best of the season.

"It was just a fantastic game! We had a great turn out there, great crowd support, and I think that's what gave us the edge. The boys were pumped, just over the moon, it's a nice way to finish the season."

Searle explained that the game was evenly matched, as the Bluejays were nipping at their heels all game.

"It was a real pitchers dual, both teams put out fantastic pitchers but the Cochrane Crush team was ultimately victorious because of their strong hitting."

There is a possibility that the crew will head to Regionals, Searle said they haven't quite explored that yet but it would be the natural progression.