Alberta Health Services (AHS) has shuttered a home in Rocky View County, just east of Airdrie, after a health inspection found over 20 health violations, including an accumulation of clutter, garbage, and cat feces throughout the house, as well as a hose was running from the septic tank to the backfield, indicating that untreated sewage had been discharged.

According to the closure order, the property (230080 Range Road 285), was also found to have a missing lid on the septic tank, as well as evidence the septic tank wasn't functioning properly, baseboards in the basement washroom were found to also have water-damage from previous sewage backup. Other health violations noted that the door couldn't be closed or locked, there were no smoke alarms in the house, and it was found that the toilet in the ensuite bathroom was not functional.

The health inspection also noted that there was no railing on the stairs between the basement and the main floor and electrical outlet covers were missing throughout the house, as well as mould being found on the pump room walls. This and several other health violations cited in the order were found which the health inspection cited, 'may become injurious or dangerous to the public health or which might hinder in any manner the prevention or suppression of disease'.

The inspection noted that all the violations went against the Minimum Housing and Health Standards and the owner is now tasked with rectifying all the violations, including providing documentation from a qualified professional stating that the septic system is functioning appropriately, as well as repairing a toilet in the ensuite bathroom.

"... Install a handrail on stairs between the basement and main floor. Repair window lock on the east basement bedroom. Identify and correct any source of water in the pump room, clean mould from hard non-porous material, and remove and replace any mouldy or water-damaged porous material. Remove all clutter and garbage and thoroughly clean and disinfect dwelling," the notice also stated.

The closure order also noted that 'until the work referred to above is completed to the satisfaction of an Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services; the above-noted premises shall remain closed for tenant accommodation purposes.' 

This is the second time in the span of a few months that AHS has shuttered a property in Rocky View County. In Early May, a property in West Rocky View County was also shut down. That closure order remains active. 

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