Anastasia immigrated from Russia to Canada over eight years ago. In both countries, she was politically and civically active. Today she continues her civic engagement while attending rallies in support of Ukraine. 

“I’m an active citizen and I [go to rallies in support of Ukraine] because first and foremost the answer is because the actions of invading Ukraine are wrong,” she said. “You feel almost grief towards your own government, because in a sense they're betraying their own people, and they're betraying our neighbours.” 

She attended various rallies over the weekend that were held in Calgary in support of Ukraine. Anastasia who was also involved in protests in Russia underlined that protesting and gathering in Canada and Russia are very different experiences. 

“Whenever I was rallying back in Russia, 10 years ago, it was already way harder. Back then it was still illegal to protest against the government,” she said. “You could be involved in police violence or get arrested.” 

She explained that she is in regular contact with friends in Russia and that the images Canadians see of Russians protesting the war, are met with dire consequences. 

“They are actually going against the law by just going out and saying that they don't agree. That’s why I think it is important for us in Canada to rally,” she said. “We sit here and it's perfectly legal, it's perfectly open to us and then not taking that opportunity is just wrong.” 

She has been in contact with friends from back home and said that they were part of the anti-war protests in Russia. 

“For my friends who were in St. Petersburg and in Moscow yesterday, some of them were subjected to arrest but none of them luckily into too intense trouble.” 

When asked what the reception is of others attending the rallies in support of Ukraine, she said there is a unifying theme of solidarity. 

“They don't get surprised like I'm some rare animal. They're very happy to see us, rallying by their side because, for them, it shows the support that I think they should be getting from everybody, from our community,” she said. “There’s a sense of relief and a sign of reassurance that the nation of Russia still stands by their side, despite what the government does.” 

She said that even if the conflict isn’t happening in Airdronians’ own backyards, it’s happening in the world they live in. 

“When you are neutral, you do stand with the oppressing side. If you see somebody getting stabbed on the street and you walk by just because it’s not you being stabbed, then you’re still participating in the violence.”  

For Airdrie’s local politicians, it is also personal. Councillor Tina Petrow has Ukranian heritage in her family and said that decision to light up city hall in the Ukrainian national colours was a ‘no-brainer’. 

“I think there are so many situations that happen in our world that you can say, ‘it doesn't affect me,’ but for some. For people who may still have loved ones who are in that region or for those who have ancestral ties,” Councilor Petrow said.  

Councillor Petrow said that the situation in Ukraine comes on the heels of the entire world being shuttered during a global pandemic, making emotions even more frayed. 

“It's tough for really anybody to look at what's going on around the world and your heart just breaks and prayers just go out. I think from where we're sitting here, that's really the extent to what we can do; show our support to those around us and reach out to people that have those connections.” 

On February 24th, 2022, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin announced that he would begin what he called a “special military operation” in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine. However, in the following days, Russian forces have pushed deep into Ukraine from all sides and by all means; by air, sea, and land. The Russian invasion has also set its sights on the capital, attempting to encircle it. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine comes after months of Russian military build-up on Ukraine’s Eastern flank. 

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