As the new Miss Rodeo Queen Airdrie 2024, Kyla Lightfoot has an action-packed weekend ahead with the Airdrie Pro Rodeo and Canada Day celebrations.

Kyla will be at the rodeo starting Thursday night, leading up to Canada Day on Monday. She will be present at the rodeo on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, making sponsor visits around Airdrie to thank them for their support. Monday is all about the Canada Day parade, where ten other queens from across Alberta will join her in celebrating.

Lightfoot has been a lady in waiting for the past month, but on Friday, she will officially be crowned Miss Rodeo Airdrie 2024.

"I'm really looking forward to officially being crowned and just starting my year," 

The Airdrie Pro Rodeo attracts athletes from around the world, making it a significant event in the rodeo calendar, known as part of "Cowboy Christmas." Kyla is eager to watch the Canadian athletes compete.

With a lifelong passion for rodeo and extensive experience in the sport, Kila is the perfect fit for the title. She loves meeting new people and is committed to promoting rodeo throughout her reign.

"I want to introduce the sport of rodeo to younger generations and also help older generations reminisce about their own rodeo experiences."

Lightfoot also plans to be actively involved in community events throughout her reign, representing the Airdrie Pro Rodeo and engaging with the local community. She looks forward to fostering a love for rodeo in Airdrie and beyond.

One of the highlights of her upcoming year is a potential trip to the Omak Stampede in Washington.

"It's always been on my bucket list to go down to the States with the crown on my hat," Kyla said. Representing Airdrie on an international stage is something she's particularly excited about.

Head to the Airdrie Pro Rodeo this weekend to meet Kyla and take in all the fun! 

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With a full schedule and the excitement of her official crowning, Kyla Lightfoot is ready to embrace her role as Miss Rodeo Airdrie 2024 and make her mark in the rodeo world and Airdrie.

Make sure to come us at the Airdrie rodeo and Canada Day events for a chance to scan and will with our Summer Cruiser contest Free Cash Fridays and you could walk away $500 richer! Details here.

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