For their second meeting of the year, 100 Men Who Give a Damn in Airdrie were elated to see more than 100 men sign up, meaning more than the originally planned $10,000 would be given to deserving organizations in the city. 

Typically, 100 Airdronian men get together, and each pledges $100 to a charity they’ll do a live vote for during the meeting. Three local charities and organizations present a video on what their programs are and how the men's donations would be put to good use. Then, after the three presentations are over, the men vote on which organization they want their $100 to go to. 

Jack Lumley, a member of 100 Men Who Give a Damn in Airdrie, said they were a little worried that the pandemic’s financial hardships would limit the number of men pledging money. Fortunately, that didn’t happen. 

“A lot of people actually signed up early because they wanted to make sure they got the Zoom link on time. We still had 20 people sign up on the day of, that’s what put us over the 100. We were really happy.” 

Lumley says it’s tough as an organization to have to anticipate less-than-desirable numbers for events because of the pandemic. 

The BGC Airdrie Club (Formally known as the Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie) was the lucky recipient of the $10,000, however, because there were 118 men pledging money this time around, there was $1,800 leftover. 

100 Men Who Give a Damn decided to divvy up the leftover funds to give to the other two charities of the evening. Both the Calgary Search and Rescue Association, as well as the Navy League of Airdrie, went home with $900 each. 

The next 100 Men Who Give a Damn meeting is in July, according to Lumley, where three new charities will present to the group, one of which will walk away with a potential $10,000.