After a hot dry June, the month of July has experienced an above average rain fall.

Dan Kulak, Meteorologist with Environment Canada, said that the average rain fall for the month of July is 65.5 mm, but within the first 14 days there have been 8 days with recorded rain levels totaling 65.8mm.

"We've already had very close to the normal for the whole month received in those first 14 days. The normal for the whole month is 13 days of rain."

On July 15 and 16, Airdrie has a storm front blowing in that will bring between 50 and 70 mm of rain, bumping the month's total up above 110 mm.

Moving into the second half of July, Kulak said the weather will move towards more traditional summer weather with warm days and cloudy stormy nights.

As part of the changes in weather, Kulak says that in the fall we can expect to see the start of La Nina, which will potentially bring colder weather throughout the winter and more snow.