There are less than 2 weeks left to submit your photo of local bumble bees to the Great Canadian Bumble Bee Count.

The campaign was launched on June 1 and runs until August 15, allowing any Airdronian to capture a close up of the beauty of the bee.

Beatrice Olivastri, CEO of Friends of the Earth Canada, who has partnered with Bumble Bee Watch, says to check out your garden, the cabin, or even visit the local park to snap a photo. 

The photos can be submitted to, which allows scientists to determine what species of bee is residing locally. 

"Scientists learn more about where the bumble bees are, how many we have of different kinds, and to think about the kind of issues that are currently of concern about these bees."

There are 40 different species of bumble bees that can be found in Canada, along with over 800 species of wild bees.

Olivastri said that there are six wild bee species that are currently considered critically at risk.

"There would be some bees that might have been very popular in your area right up until recently that are in decline and listed for protection by the government now."

The campaign has currently collected 2143 photos across Canada, with 504 species being identified.