Airdrie City Council may just be sticking their chests out a bit further today (March 18th) in pride over the fact the city has earned some prestigious recognition from the Government of Canada due to its outstanding financial reporting and budgeting.  

When it receives correspondence at today's meeting, Team Leader for Legislative Services and Assistant City Cler Kari Kitiuk will present two items.  Both are from the Government Finance Officers Association.  The first piece will indicate that the City of Airdrie annual financial report for the fiscal year that ended December 31st, 2017 has earned the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting.

The second indicates that the city has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current fiscal period.

If they can float down from the ceiling once they've heard about those two recognitions, council will face a busy agenda.  They'll hear again from Kitiuk with information regarding the upcoming 2019 municipal census. 

She'll also bring forward two more pieces of correspondence for council consideration.  One will ask them to consider an animal protection bylaw to outlaw the pet trade for exotic animal species in Airdrie.  The other comes from the Airdrie Cochrane Athletic Association (ACAA) who are asking council to consider waiving the rental fees for the Town and Country Centre Community Halls to assist the group with hosting their 2019 ACAA Hockey Banquet.   

Council will also be presented with an overview of Airdrie's Smart Cities Challenge that was recently submitted to the government for consideration of a $10 million prize.

The meeting begins at 3:30 pm in Council Chambers at Airdrie City Hall.  

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