With the cold snap bringing temperatures close to -50 with the windchill, warmer weather is on the way this weekend and into next week.

Although we won't see temperatures hitting zero degrees just yet, highs around -10 degrees will feel warm with the weather we just had.

Samantha Mauti, a Meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada talked about how we will be able to enjoy the outdoors instead of being stuck inside the house.

As of right now, the forecasted high for Saturday is -11 and Sunday is -10.

"The normal this time of year in the Airdrie area is -5, so we are still slightly below normal but nothing crazy like last week."

The nighttime lows for the weekend will remain in the -16 to -17 range, instead of the -20 to -30 we have been seeing the past few days.

"There is the chance of some flurries over the weekend but it's not looking like very significant amounts right now."

As we head into Monday and Tuesday next week, we will be seeing temperatures return to what we saw before the cold snap.

"We will see temperatures rising above the normal close to zero degrees."

Tuesday and Wednesday next week have daytime highs of one and three degrees.

With the weather returning to more reasonable temperatures, the outdoor rinks around Airdrie are now ready for Airdronians to enjoy and play some hockey.

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