This year's valedictorian for W.H. Croxford High School is Shemi Ajibola.

Ajibola is very honoured to be named Croxford's 2024 valedictorian. He talked about the moment he was told he would receive the title.

"It was one of the other contestants that told me that I was named the valedictorian. I was hyped, I'm very honoured to represent my class."

He wanted to thank everybody who has helped him get here, especially all of his teachers and his family.

"My family in general kept pushing me to try and become valedictorian even when I wasn't the most hardworking. It means a lot that they believed in me."

Ajibola played football for Croxford and also did some volunteering outside of school.

"I volunteer at the at the Airdrie Food Bank and the health center (Airdrie Community Health Centre). I've been volunteering at both for a little over a year now."

While spending some of his free time volunteering Ajibola has been running his own business with one of his friends. They have created their own clothing line called the Enigsis Collective.

"Me and him design clothes and release them to the public every couple of months. The designs are based on our pop culture, music and things like that."

When asked about what one of his favourite memories was from his time at Croxford, he talked about the school atmosphere when big-time sports games would happen.

"There was so much energy in the gym. It was nothing that could ever get old. I felt like everyone was moving as one there was a lot of tension. It was something amazing to be a part of."

For his future, Ajibola will be attending the University of Alberta to become a lawyer eventually.

"Other than becoming a lawyer, I plan to continue working on my business and a book that I'm writing with one of my friends which is full of different types of poems."

When asked about what his message is to his classmates, Ajibola stated it's important to never accept the stagnancy of life.

"It's easy to just be okay with how things are going. It's important to create your story and take charge of your life. You're able to overcome hurdles and define yourself."

Ajibola finished off by once again thanking his teachers for everything they have done for him and apologizing for not being the most hospitable student at times.

The graduation ceremony for W.H. Croxford is taking place at the Jack Singer Concert Hall in Calgary on June 5.

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