Alberta RCMP is reminding Albertans about road safety and unsafe driving during Canada Road Safety Week (May 14-20) and Victoria Day long weekend.

The yearly campaigns strive to minimize roadway accidents, injuries, and fatalities by encouraging public adherence to safe driving practices, particularly over the Victoria Day long weekend.

For 2024, the RCMP will be focusing enforcement efforts on behaviours that present serious risk to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. According to the RCMP, these include:

  • Drug and alcohol-impaired driving
  • Fatigue
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving without a seatbelt

Here are a few tips supplied by the RCMP that can help you avoid unsafe driving behaviours:

  • If you consume drugs or alcohol, arrange for transportation from a sober friend, taxi, family member, or ride-sharing service.
  • Get enough sleep, and if you find yourself getting tired while driving, find a safe place to pull over for a rest.
  • If you are becoming agitated with another driver, or encounter another motorist driving aggressively, safely pull over and contact the police.
  • Always buckle up no matter how short your trip is.

“In 2023, the Alberta RCMP removed 7,707 impaired drivers from provincial roadways, an average of 21 impaired drivers per day,” says Sgt. Darrin Turnbull, Alberta RCMP Traffic Services. “During last year’s Canada Road Safety Week alone, RCMP officers removed 205 impaired motorists from Alberta’s streets and highways.”

Cpl. James McConnell of the Airdrie RCMP Community Policing Unit stated over 2023, the Airdrie area saw 71 drivers charged with impaired driving, one of them being over the Victoria Day long weekend.

"I think anytime when the sun is out and people are enjoying their time outside there's a tendency to drive when they maybe shouldn't. We just encourage motorists to be safe which will help keep everyone else safe as well."

McConnell stated the RCMP will be out and about patrolling the Airdrie roadways this long weekend just like any other day. He also asked if you do see somebody driving who might be impaired, please report them right away to the RCMP.

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