True story: I was looking to make a really easy dinner and settled on Kraft Dinner. Not the most nutritious thing ever but it's quick and it tastes good. Well I don't know how YOU make KD but I boil the noodles. strain them, add cheese powder to the pot, then butter, then some milk for some added sauce. Well I don't know where my brain was when I was making it but I ended up pouring the cheese powder package DIRECTLY into my milk jug. Just straight up opened the milk and poured cheese powder right in... 

So now not only have I ruined an entire 4-litre jug of milk because it has cheese powder in it... but now I have no cheese powder to add to the noodles.

To this day, it remains my greatest food fail... close second goes to the time I was making cookies and literally forgot the flour.



Does someone want to come over to my place and make food for me because APPARENTLTY I am incapable.
This is why my husband Garrett does most of the cooking in our house.

