While we haven't seen a large amount of snow this winter season, it has been enough to try out the changes to the snow and ice-clearing policy.

Those changes included enhancing ice control management and expanding current application locations to include all main carriageways with a single pass of straight blading and application of melting materials in residential neighbourhoods.

With that being said, The city has been using the materials on the main routes before any major snowfalls and according to Mike Avramenko, the Roads Team Lead for the City of Airdrie, it has been working well.

"In the three times that we've applied anti-icing liquid prior to the snow events, we've been very happy and pleased with the outcome. You probably noticed during this last cold spell, there were many areas along the arterial roads where you could see bare pavement. That's one of the benefits."

Avrameko stated they are hoping to start doing the residential roads this weekend.

"Sanders will go down and drive down the main carriageway with a straight blade and really what we're trying to do is minimize any rutting."

The city will also be adding a melting product to try and eliminate some of that snow.

When clearing residential roads, sometimes the city leaves out signs saying no parking, that is because the city will be coming by within 48 hours to clear the road. If vehicles are left on the road, they could potentially be blocked in with snow as the city will just go around the vehicle. For example, Railway Avenue will require vehicles to be moved for the city to do a proper cleaning.

Currently, Airdrie's Roads Department carries out the approved Snow and Ice Policy on a variety of roads, encompassing 703.4 lane kilometres.

This year to date, we have received around 71 centimetres of snow, compared to last year's 102.

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