Mayor Peter Brown welcomes Minister Doug Griffiths

At a meeting with the Mayor and town council Wednesday night, Doug Griffiths, Municipal Affairs Minister and MLA for Wainwright for the past decade, expressed his excitement about the next one or two years, saying they could carve the way for the next half-century.

He talked about the importance of not only balancing the books but said leaving a deficit for our kids when it comes to infrastructure is something we have to be careful to avoid.

Griffiths said: "I've never been so excited about the potential for this province, the ideas that are rolling, and the solutions to the challenges that we have - ever in my ten years. I feel like a brand new person starting out, on a brand new footing with fresh ideas".

Griffiths agreed with Premier Alison Redford's earlier comments during day's events when she called Airdrie a microcosm of what is happening across Alberta when it comes to high growth resulting in challenges with schools, health care facilities and roads.

Premier Redford and several cabinet ministers visited various venues in Airdrie throughout the day, Jan. 25.