As Elmer Fudd would say time and time again: It's wabbit season.

Alberta Pound and Rescue Centre (APARC) in Airdrie is holding a bunny adoption event to try and find the abundance of long-eared visitors some forever homes. Chynna Shortt, Assistant Manager of APARC says the event is a team effort between them, the event host Pet Valu, and the city.

"The City of Airdrie has been doing some rabbit trapping and we're taking care of the bunnies and putting them up for adoption. None of them are owner surrenders, they're all strays."

There are will be approximately 16 bunnies, some of them still babies, taking part in the adoption event. According to Shortt, each bunny will be worth $25 and will come with a starter kit care package. None of the bunnies will be spayed or neutered, which Shortt says will be an important part in adopting one to ensure the stray bunny population in the city doesn't grow.

Some of the bunnies available for adoption through APARC

Caring for a bunny is less intensive than caring for a dog or a cat, says Shortt.

"Bunnies require a very fresh diet filled with lettuce and greens along with their pellet food so a potential adopter should be aware of that extra expense. But all in all, a bunny is a good first pet, especially for kids learning the responsibility of caring for an animal. A bunny is also a good alternative for those with pet allergies."

The bunny adoption event will take place on June 12 from 12 pm to 3 pm at the Airdrie Pet Valu on Main Street where the bunnies will be roaming around a pen inside the building. If there's a bunny of interest the potential adopter will then get a hold of APARC to set up an appointment.