If you were wondering how much food prices have gone up during 2023, these are the answers you have been looking for.

Last week, Statistics Canada published a consumer price index showing how much food prices went up or down percentage-wise from December 2022 - December 2023 and November 2023 - December 2023. 

Overall, food purchased from stores has increased 4.7 per cent year over year and only 0.3 percent from November 2023 to December 2023.

The largest jumps from 2022 to 2023 have been frozen and dried vegetables (11.4 per cent), fruit juices (17.5 per cent), preserved fruit and fruit preparations (13.4 per cent), cookies and crackers (12.6 per cent) and fresh or frozen beef (10.6 per cent).

There has been an 11.3 per cent decline in tomatoes and a 21.9 per cent fall in lettuce from year over year. Tomatoes and lettuce did go up slightly from November to December though.

The largest increases from November to December 2023 were fruit juices (3.5 per cent) and frozen and dried vegetables (2.8 per cent). 

Butter (3.9 per cent), ice cream and related products (2.5 per cent) and pasta products (2.3 per cent) were the largest decreases from November to December 2023.

According to Canada's Food Price Report 2024, the average family of four is expected to spend $16,297.20 on food the year. This is an increase of around $700 from 2023. The report is a collaboration between researchers at Dalhousie University, the University of Guelph, the University of Saskatchewan, and the University of British Columbia.

According to the report, the largest increases this year will be in bakery, meat and vegetables at 5 - 7 per cent.

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