Volunteers and staff at the Airdrie Food Bank deal with the piles of donations

The Airdrie Food Bank is in an enviable position; they have received so many donations over the last month that they are running out of space! December is typically the busiest time for the Food Bank, with 80% of donations arriving in the month.

But Executive Director, Lori McRitchie, and her staff have a plan. For about the last eight months, they have been working on a plan to build a new, multi-purpose facility. And now they are looking for a general contractor to step forward and help them get the project underway.

Plans for the new facility include an increase in square footage to 6000 sq. ft. from their current 2100. The new facility will also include a Community Kitchen where staff and volunteers can teach those who use the Food Bank how to get the most and most nutritious meals from their groceries.

McRitchie urges people to continue to donate to the Food Bank; even though they're bursting at the seams, the need is still great.

Bid packages can be picked up at the Food Bank at 200 East Lake Way. If you want more information, give Lori a call at (403) 948.0063. McRitchie says they'd especially like to work with a local contractor but anyone who has the skills is welcome to apply.

We spoke to McRitchie and she gave us more information.