We told you it was happening; now it's official. Through a website launched Thursday, The Town of Cochrane wants to hear your thoughts on whether or not your vision for the future of the community includes public transit. Emily Allert-House with the Town says using all social media will hopefully fuel public engagement on the issue.

She mentions there is a perception that local transit in Cochrane is a "done deal". She emphasizes that the key message the Town needs to convey to residents is that no decisions have been made and only an implementation strategy has been drawn up. The idea of transit has been shelved until the community responds with feedback on this hot topic.

The new site is now up and running. The Town hopes it becomes a "living hub" for much conversation about transit, leading up to a plebiscite slated for June 18. 

A 'Let's Talk Transit' launch event happens on Mar. 14 from 6 to 8 pm.