Airdrie City council unanimously agreed to further look into a partnership between The City of Airdrie and Conseil Scolaire Francosud. The partnership would center around a shared community use recreation amenity within a planned high school site in the Reunion neighbourhood.

In a letter submitted to The City by Conseil Scolaire Francosud, the letter enumerates on what a partnership may look like.

"FrancoSud will collaborate with The City of Airdrie to design and construct modern, versatile recreational spaces within the new high school. It is our vision to establish recreational facilities not only for the students but also for the broader community. FrancoSud, in coordination with The City, will develop a community access program that allows residents of Airdrie to utilize the facilities during specified hours."

The facilities described could include multi-purpose sports courts for basketball, volleyball, and indoor soccer, a fitness center equipped with a range of exercise equipment, yoga and dance studios as well as a climbing wall and other adventure-based facilities. 

The letter also proposed a cost-sharing model for the development, maintenance, and operation of the extra recreational facilities.

"FrancoSud is prepared to invest a substantial amount in the initial construction and ongoing maintenance. By combining our expertise and resources, we can construct a facility that will serve the needs of both students and residents, fostering a stronger sense of community and overall well-being. "

Stephan Deloof, the Executive Director, Operations and Transportation at Conseil Scolaire Francosud spoke to council on the proposal on Monday. 

"When we look at this proposal, we look at how can we benefit from building a school and at the same time - improve it to have the community work with us," he stated. "We also know that in Airdrie you're currently short and recreational space even though you do have a project that's coming along. We know that this would probably help alleviate some of the needs that is existing in the community."

According to city documents, the Counceil Scolaire Francosud collaborated with the City of Lethbridge to double the size of their planned gymnasium at École la Vérendrye in a similar fashion.

"The City of Lethbridge contributed $500,000 and while sizable, is a fraction of the cost of building a standalone or add-on gymnasium to an existing facility when considering the costs associated with the building envelope, parking, HVAC, washrooms, etc. The investment by the City of Lethbridge will be realized by its residents through additional programs, rental, and spontaneous use opportunities controlled and allocated by the municipality."

Councillor Al Jones inquired if the partnership may encroach on a provincial government responsibility, however, Deloof clarified that the facilities would be supplemental to the gymnasium that would already be built in the school. 

Councillor Heather Spearman asked if there has been any outreach with the broader community, though Deloof said that at this stage no other discussions with other potential stakeholders have been had.

"We haven't talked to any community organization. I think it's important to realize that the Francophone School District has a dual mandate. When it's time to talk about our school - it's not only a school, but it's also a cultural anchor for the communities."

He added that he is looking into applying for a grant with the Federal Government to see if an auditorium may be funded.

The Counseil Scolaire Francosud currently has a K-12 school located in Ravenswood that will transition to a K-8 once the high school is in Reunion completed. 

Council directed the administration to return later this year with options for city council's consideration. 

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