The city of Airdrie has announced that the city's water tower will be painted come this summer.

According to the city's website, there was a delay in repainting the tower in 2022 due to challenges in finding contractors.

"We're thrilled to announce that the re-painting project is now underway! Starting in April 2023, we'll be installing fencing around the tower to keep everyone safe during the painting process. We expect the fencing to be up for about four months or so until the project is completed," the city stated.

Originally built in 1959, the water tower was originally used to store water for emergency use, though in 1972 the structure became obsolete after a large reservoir was built. Five years later in 1977, the tower was no longer used. 

Last June, the water tower was officially designated as a municipal heritage historic resource.

"We know the tower is a beloved landmark in our city and we're committed to ensuring it looks its best for years to come. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. We can't wait to see the finished product!" the city added.

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