According to a recent report from the Royal Bank of Canada, says women are paid less than they would otherwise have been for up to five years after giving birth. They say children comes at a "significant" cost for a woman's career,

Some of the takeaways are that in the year following the birth of a first child, 25 to 34 year old women see their earnings fall by almost half compared to women with no children.

Partly because most women take parental leave but the study says the drop in income lasts for years after even when they go back to work.

It also stated, women aged 25 to 38 saw earnings that were down by four per cent in the five years after having a child. And for even younger women, they are losing an additional 14 per cent.

They say the reason for this could be due to having children at the same time as the most likely point in their career for development and advancement. 

On the other had, having children seems to have to opposite effect on a man's career. They see more advancement and growth after having children. 


So Mom's in Airdrie has this been the case for you? Do you think it's been worth it or would you like to see things change.