With the recent announcement of Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley stepping down, the parameters have been set for the upcoming leadership race.

The party will make the application and disclosure form accessible to potential leadership race participants starting Monday, January 29. The Leadership Race Contest is scheduled to commence on February 5 and will come to a close on the last day of voting, which is June 22, at noon.

“The Alberta NDP Provincial Council has considered, debated, and passed the rules for the upcoming leadership race, which is their responsibility according to the Alberta NDP Constitution,” said Amanda Freistadt, Chief Returning Officer of the Alberta NDP Leadership Race.

To participate in the leadership race, members must ensure their good standing by acquiring or renewing their membership by April 22. Membership is accessible to all Alberta residents aged 14 and above who endorse the Alberta NDP and wish to contribute to the party's efforts in building a better future.

“We will announce the results at a special showcase on June 22, which will be a time for our party to gather to celebrate Rachel Notley’s legacy, and the renewed vision that will come with a new leader.”

Freistadt said the Alberta NDP constitution requires a mail-in ballot as well as online voting, and the party will also provide a telephone option.

Each leadership contestant has a limit of spending $500,000 on their campaign.

Former candidate for the NDP in the Airdrie-East riding, Dan Nelles stated he does not plan to run for leadership, but will consider running for Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) again.

"The decision is going to largely depend on what my family has to say about it and what the constituents in Airdrie have to say."

When it comes to electing a new leader, Nelles hopes communities like Airdrie get more attention.

"It felt to me like mid-sized urban municipalities were somewhat ignored by both parties in the most recent election. For any future leader of the Alberta NDP, I want to make sure that that individual has a firm understanding of the challenges facing Airdrie and is willing to step up and actively work to address those needs."

Notley will remain as the leader until a new one is chosen.

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