According to Statistics Canada, from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023,  Alberta experienced the fastest demographic growth of all provinces and territories.

At 4 per cent, this growth, 'was not only due to international migration but was also the result of record net gains from migratory exchanges between provinces.'

"Alberta saw 56,245 more people moving to the province than leaving it, making these not only the highest annual net interprovincial gains for Alberta but the highest annual net interprovincial gains ever recorded for any single province or territory since comparable data are available (1971/1972)," a report on Canada's demographic estimates stated earlier this week.

Statscan added that this rapid demographic growth was not only due to international migration but was also the result of record net gains from migratory exchanges between provinces.

Ontario and British Columbia were second in population growth, each seeing 3 per cent increases. Manitoba saw a 2.9 per cent increase, while Saskatchewan saw a 2.6 per cent increase.

"While its population growth hit a record-high of 2.3 per cent, Quebec nonetheless saw the second lowest growth among all provinces. Despite registering its highest population growth in more than 50 years, Newfoundland and Labrador's rate was the lowest among provinces, at 1.3 per cent."

The report added that the population growth on July 1, 2023, marks the highest population growth rate recorded for a 12-month period since 1957, during the Hungarian refugee crisis and at the height of the baby boom.

"In absolute numbers, the increase observed last year is more than twice the increase observed in 1957 (+555,000). If the rate of population growth seen this past year remained constant in the future, it would lead to the Canadian population doubling in 25 years."

"Close to 98 per cent of the growth in the Canadian population from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, came from net international migration, with 2 per cent coming from the difference between births and deaths."

On June 16, 2023, Canada's population reached over 40 million. 

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