Four individuals and four organizations were recently honoured at the 2021 Alberta Community Justice Awards. 

Actually, let's make that five individuals since one of the awards went to an inseparable pair from Airdrie. 

Jake, the Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society's (ADVAS) trauma dog and his handler Deborah Reid were presented with the award in the Innovation Category during the 30th annual awards which celebrate Albertans who found ways to prevent crime and to promote restorative justice in their cities, towns and neighbourhoods.

With assistance from handler Reid, Jake's job is to comfort and support children, youth and adults during police interviews and court statements.  Reid said the people Jake works with are very lucky to find a friend in the canine.

"He goes right up on the stand with them.  He goes right into interviews with the RCMP with them.  You know they're not as nervous, especially children, It just warms my heart and just reinforces how lucky we are to have him and how grateful we are that these types of programs exist."

Reid has been working with Jake since before he reported for duty with ADVAS and the Airdrie RCMP in November 2019 and has become very attached to the black lab.