Amid rising COVID-19 cases, Dr. Deena Hinshaw announced public health measures that were to expire today (August 16) would remain in place for another six weeks until at least Sept. 27.  

The measures include mandatory isolation for 10 days for those with COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test result and testing for any symptomatic individual at assessment centres. 

It also includes mandatory masking orders to stay in place for public transit and rideshares.  When the province announced they would keep the measures in place another six weeks, it said businesses and municipalities were free to set masking requirements as they see fit.  Airdrie Transit saw fit to do that well before the province changed its mind.

Transit announced last week that, effective today, customers would be required to wear a face mask on public transit operated by Airdrie Transit as a condition of use.  The requirement was meant to replace the provincial mandate.

th our customers.  I believe we were in the 95 to 98 per cent compliance rating for mask use even without having the bylaw in place."

Airdrie Transit was one of the first services in the city to make mask wearing a condition of use, preceding even the City of Airdrie's bylaw.

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