The Airdrie Space Science Club is just starting a busy year of seeing how high and far their rockets can fly.

Brian Jackson, one the the senior volunteers with the Airdrie Space Science Club, talked about how this club all came about.

"A group of gentlemen from Airdrie and Calgary got together to provide an opportunity to build and launch model rockets. And that's what we've been doing for the last 14 years."

Jackson also mentioned this club is a great way to learn more about astronomy.

"In the past, we have done the high altitude balloon launches, where our members launch a five-foot helium balloon, and let it fly to about 100,000 feet."

APhoto of some rockets about to be launched in Airdrie. Photo provided by Brian Jackson.

"We've also talked to astronauts on the International Space Station to the amateur radio on the International Space Station Program."

A local teacher who also loves space, Jackson does his best in his classroom to bring space to the forefront, so that kids can understand what happening above us.

"When we created the club, there wasn't an opportunity for kids to do anything like this that we could see in Airdrie."

The club is open for anybody that is aged 10 and up.

"We used to be 10-14. Then we discovered that there were lots of other people, adults included, who may want to build and launch model rockets as well."

If the child is 10 or 11, it is recommended for a parent to tag along so they can help out.

"We're a kind of a come-and-go club. If people can join us at our construction meetings, fantastic. They continue to build at home, great. If they miss a meeting or two, no worries, it's kind of bring your rocket at whatever stage it's at and we'll help you build from where you are."

Jackson finished off by saying his favourite launches are when first-timers launch their rocket.

"That excitement that they feel, that rush of energy that they get when they launch their first rocket is something really special."

If you are interested in learning more about the club, send Jackson an email at

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