With temperatures as chilly as they are right now, how does one stay warm?

Airdrie has no shortage of things to do in the winter. With many sledding hills, outdoor rinks, and nearby ski resorts it's easy to find ways to spend a wintery day outside. But what about those times, like right now, where it's almost TOO cold?

Here are 4 ways you can stay warm in Airdrie while the extreme cold warning grips the outdoors:

Put Something Warm In Your Mug

Whether you're a coffee-lover, a hot chocolate connoisseur, or an avid tea drinker, Airdrie has a multitude of coffee shops to put something steamy in your to-go mug. The number of coffee shops in Airdrie is in the double digits, and that's not including the many restaurants and cafes that sell warm drinks alongside the food. The question is... do you think any of them will judge me for asking for a ridiculous amount of whipped cream on my hot chocolate?


Two Words: Hot Tub

Few things feel as satisfying in the middle of a cold snap than sitting in a very warm, bubbling hot tub. Keeping it running and maintained in the winter months costs a pretty penny extra, but it's worth it when you want a hot soak on a cold day. If you don't have a hot tub of your own, nor do you know someone who's got a hot tub you can hop in at a moment's notice, Genesis Place has a hot tub you can use during public swim times! There's also a steam room which is just as warm, if not warmer, than the hot tub.


A Nice Warm Bowl Of Soup

Along the same lines of finding something warm to drink, you can beat the cold by making yourself a warm bowl of soup. Or, you can get someone to make it for you. Airdrie isn't officially known as City With The Best Soup in Canada... but honestly, it should be. Have you tried any soup from some of these local Airdrie shops? They're insane. What will you have, potato bacon? Broccoli cheddar? A good old-fashioned bowl of chicken noodle? 


Fuzzy Blanket, Fuzzy Blanket, Fuzzy Blanket

Chances are, you have a brand new fuzzy blanket someone got you for the holidays. It's become a tradition in my family that someone receives one. Usually, it's me, and I am NOT complaining. When you see the temperature outside edging on minus thirty and beyond... wrap yourself in a fuzzy blanket and watch something on one of the many streaming services there are. If you don't have a blanket like that to burrito yourself in, Airdrie has a metric tonne of stores you can buy one from.