At one of the latest Rocky View County council meetings, the council heard about possible amendments to the Land Use Bylaw.

The amendment would exempt development permit requirements for minor property line setback variances of up to five percent for existing buildings. 

Justin Rebello, the Supervisor of planning and development for RVC explained what this amendment would work for.

"These are existing dwellings, small sheds, decks, patios, things like that. The amendment would allow for 5 per cent error."

Previously, any type of error or misplacement would have triggered a development permit for a setback variance. In the county's view, this change would help cut back red tape by trying to be more business-friendly. When applying for a development permit it could take six to eight weeks.

"So, if we saw something that was within the five per cent encroachment, we would grant that variance and deem their property report compliant without the requirement of a development permit.  We're going away from requiring the development permit for all encroachments to now saying a minor defect  allotment can encroach up to five per cent into the setback area."

Over the years, RVC averaged about 60 development permits for setback variances. According to Rebello, about 15 per cent of those were within the 5 per cent range.

"This is a part of our ongoing evaluation of how to remove the development permit process for minor applications and uses."

To also help reduce red tape, another amendment that might be made is to remove the need for development permits for development groups or community groups that want to put up signs in their area.

"That was a very minor requirement or a minor development permit that we had been receiving and which we felt did not need to go through the whole governance process."

Recently, it was announced the RVC was considering regulations for shipping containers.

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