Things are buzzing in Airdrie after the City recently started their Urban Beekeeping Pilot Project.

“The first hive of the Urban Beekeeping Pilot Project was put in last weekend,” says Mayor Peter Brown, “It’s on City land so it’s not in residential areas, it’s located on 15 East Lake Hill which is out by our Recycling Depot.”

A shot of the Urban Bee Hive on East Lake Hill (Photo Courtesy: Tina Petrow)

Mayor Brown was quick to ease concerns of many in the city who fear the project will lead to bees flying through the neighbourhood.

“Many people are anaphylactic or they’re allergic to bee stings, they’re concerned. We’re not putting these in residential homes at the moment, this is an opportunity to see how this works on one of our sites.”

The start of the project comes in line with National Pollinator Week, an initiative aimed at promoting the importance of bees as colony populations decline.

“If we didn’t have the bees here, one-third of what we consume in our fresh vegetables and fruits would not be available to us,” says Mayor Brown, “Very important and a great, great educator for the young people as it relates to bees in our environment.”

You can find more info on the Urban Beekeeping Project you can visit the City’s website

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