It is a saying we all know, it's the thought that counts. That may be true but let's be honest with each other, sometimes you get doubles of items or just may have no use for the items gifted and yes we are blessed to receive those gifts but now what? we can't let them go to waste! 

 Over the holidays I have gifted a special and unique gift during a Chinese gift exchange with my spouses family. 

I was lucky enough to unwrap a T-shirt with a giant printed out the face of my girlfriend's brother on the front of it, wearing a cowboy hat, pointing at the camera while inebrehated in Cuba.

I will be attending his wedding in Mexico in May and plan on wearing this shirt religiously throughout the trip. I plan on wearing it underneath my dress shirt and suit so that I can undo the buttons and act like its the Superman logo, pulling the dress shirt apart to reveal his face. 

What is the strangest gift you have ever received? If you get an item you do not need to you return it? or donate it? or condemn to the storage closest for all of eternity? 

Go to our Facebook page and comment your opinion. 

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