The thermometer is finally moving the right way, up instead of down. 

Now there are some things to watch for after the deep freeze, things like pipes that froze could burst, melting show turning to ice on the roads overnight for that morning commute and people wandering into the streets more as they emerge from the warm caves they have been hiding in, you know the usual stuff. 

Hopefully, the warmer weather will be kind to everyone and put some more smiles on faces in Airdrie. 

It got me thinking about what I want to do first, now that we can get out for more than 30 seconds without our extremities getting frostbit. 

I think I just want to grab a coffee and sit on a bench in a local park for a bit. Grab me some vitamin D and enjoy people watching. 

What is the first thing you'll be doing now that the deep freeze is finished..... for now? 


Keep up to date on the Airdrie forecast HERE.