Officially launched in July of 2010, the Reeve’s Task Force on Growth Planning was a 17-member committee brought together to work collaboratively on a variety of growth-related issues within Rocky View County. Membership of the task force came from each division within the County. The task force had a five-month mandate.

After holding a number of forums with County residents, the task force submitted a final report to Council in January 2011 that outlined the issues they had discussed, as well as their findings and recommendations.

RVC Council presented their response to the Reeve’s Task Force Report on Growth Planning at their meeting on April 17. The report they presented outlines their responses to each recommendation following extensive analysis and a review of all the feedback gathered from residents during the Reeve’s Task Force initiative.

“The Reeve’s Task Force initiative demonstrated the wants of our residents, giving us tremendous and invaluable feedback about planning our growth for the future and shaping the county,” says Reeve Rolly Ashdown.

While gathering feedback, Council discovered that County residents have a desire for growth that is sustainable and well-managed, while maintaining Rocky View County’s rural identity, culture and character.

“Council has embraced the Task Force report as a meaningful guiding document and we are committed to undertaking many of the report’s recommendations,” says Ashdown. “The process of the Reeve’s Task Force and Council’s response shows the level of investment our residents have in preserving and enhancing quality of life, while securing future prosperity.”

Council has already initiated action on a number of the recommendations in the Task Force Report. The final response to the Task Force recommendations and observations is available at