Next to Boxing Day, Black Friday is one of the hottest days for snagging great shopping deals. Black Friday started off as an American observation but is quickly becoming popular right here in Canada.

Here are the three ways you can approach this shopping extravaganza:

Keep it classy

Take it easy! Wait for that parking spot patiently, wait your turn at the till, shop at your own pace. Keep in mind that today is one of the busiest shopping days of the year so you really can't get frustrated... you knew what you were getting yourself into.

Go crazy and fight the other shoppers

You can be that person who gets physical with the other guy trying to take the last TV available. You've probably seen videos of these shoppers taking it a bit too far. Don't be that person.

Stay home

Probably the smartest thing to do today; stay home! Or shop online from the comfort of your very own cozy couch. Most stores offer the same Black Friday sales online, so take advantage of that. This way you don't have to make the effort of getting dressed, driving to the mall, and dealing with the hordes of humans clogging up your path to the candle store.