The influenza vaccine will be made available, free of charge, to all Albertans six months of age and older, through dedicated influenza immunization clinics, as well as some pharmacist and physician offices. 

Shots will be available at the following locations:


October 26 - Town & Country Centre - 12 noon to 7 pm
October 27 - Town & Country Centre - 12 noon to 7 pm


Oct ober 26 - Cochrane Public Health Office - 12 noon to 7 pm

Clinics are offering Pneumococcal as well, and will continue into November.

Alberta Health Services calls the flu shot the the single most effective means of protecting oneself from influenza infection and illness. 

You can find more information, including complete influenza immunization clinic schedules, online at, or by calling Health Link Alberta, toll-free at 1-866-408-5465.