The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act came into effect Monday, August 8, allowing victims of family violence to break their lease without financial penalty.

To terminate the lease, a tenant must provide the landlord with a certificate that would outline the risk presented in the home.

For victims of family violence, a certificate can be obtained with a copy of a protection order, a peace bond or a statement from a certified professional - including a doctor, nurse, social worker or psychologist - confirming they or their children are in danger.

The document would need to be presented to the ministry of Human Services who would authorize the certificate.

“I brought this bill forward because finances should never be a barrier to fleeing violence," said Deborah Drever, MLA, Calgary-Bow. "These changes will make a real difference for survivors of domestic abuse. I am honored it passed unanimously and that today, it’s the law.”

As domestic violence numbers rise in parts of the Province, the hope is that this law will empower individuals to remove themselves from unsafe situations if one of the financial barriers can be removed.