Beef cattle owners have an opportunity to give their input about the care and handling of beef. The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) is conducting a survey online that will give anyone interested in animal care a chance to say what they want to see in the redevelopment of Canada’s beef cattle Code of Practice. The NFACC has a multi-year project to renew several of the Codes of Practice for the care of farm animals, and so the beef cattle Code falls under that.  

Jackie Wepruk with the National Farm Animal Care Council says "The plan is that we want to code development process to be as transparent as possible, and so we want to provide the opportunity for all stakeholders to provide input." She says over time the practices can change, so this is all about making sure the codes are being kept up to date with information that's practical, science based and relevant in today's market economy.   

The original beef Code of Practice was developed in 1991, so the Canadian Cattleman's Association requested a beef Code of Practice update through the National Farm Animal Care Council.

To have your say in the care and handling of beef, go to and click on survey.