Alondra Landeros is a tenacious 5th grader from Muriel Clayton Middle School who's seasonal bylaw advertising won her an opportunity to be Mayor for a Day.

Landeros' teacher Suzanne Krienke, helped her to review the current bylaws in Airdrie and look at some bylaws people may be unaware of.

"My teacher helped me, and I found that we had many of those bylaws just no one knew about them and that got me thinking, well what about the people who don't know these bylaws existed. They could go complain and they would be like 'I didn't know this, and I didn't know that' and then the whole thing would turn on them."

Taking the time to do a small survey around her neighborhood, Landeros asked her neighbors what bylaws they were most interested in.

When Landeros presented her idea in front of Council and the Board of Youth Affairs, she was nervous but confident.

"I was excited, I was a little nervous, it was kind of a big deal like if I ruin this my shot may just go down but I was confident."

Now that she has won, Landeros is waiting to find a day that works for her and Mayor Peter Brown to get together for a tour of City Hall, spend some time in the Mayors office and even enjoy a nice lunch.

Reflecting back on her journey, Landeros learned from her own experience, saying that her first idea didn't work but she went back to the drawing board and found success.

"This has taught me not to give up and try harder because my first idea didn't work and I didn't give up and it turned out my way. I do owe most of it to my teacher who kept pushing me and pushing me non stop until finally I reached my goal, and for that I thank Mrs. Krienke."

"I believe that everyone has a good idea stored inside them they just need to find it."