To kick off 2021 the Alberta RCMP are promoting intersection safety and are encouraging motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians to all exercise caution and be mindful of the rules of the road at what are often busy, high-traffic areas.  

According to police, intersections can be dangerous places.  "Over the year we have about 8,000 injuries at intersections and 66 deaths," explains Constable Mike Hibbs of Alberta RCMP Traffic Services.  "It's an important time of the year with all the snow on the ground, slippery conditions, and the daylight hours disappearing faster than the summertime so it's a good idea to get intersection safety in people's minds for the winter months."

The primary causes of collisions at intersections are unsafe left turns, speeding, and violating traffic signals.  "We find that people don't stop for the stop signals as often as they should," Hibbs says. "So take a few extra seconds to look both ways, to look for pedestrians, and also look for other traffic before you proceed through."

Hibbs says pedestrians have the right of way in all marked or unmarked crosswalks. Before making a turn, ensure pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk.  Drivers should also remember the right of way rule at three and four-way stops.  The vehicle that arrived first should proceed first. If two vehicles arrive at the same time, the vehicle on the right should proceed first.

Hibbs also has some advice for pedestrians.  He says to always use crosswalks and pedestrian-activated signals when they are available. If there are no crossing lights, wait until all vehicles have come to a complete stop before crossing.  Make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you. Signalling your intent to cross by extending your arm and pointing in the direction you wish to proceed shows drivers that you intend to enter a crosswalk.

While we hear a lot about distracted driving, Hibbs says there is also such a thing as distracted walking, something he advises you to never do.  "Stay off your cell phone when you're trying to cross the road.  Also, remove headphones and put away any other electronic devices when crossing."

The Alberta RCMP say practicing traffic safety and approaching intersections with caution can prevent collisions and injuries. 

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